Friday, August 6, 2010

Donna can't relieve me from my workstation till 6:30, so I have to sit my desk and eat my lunch to keep from tossing over in my seat.  I have a doctorate! I understand the great intricacies of our existence!  I should not be subjected to this!

If I could will a giant asteroid onto this planet, destroying us all, lord knows I would press that button in a second.  Wipe the slate clean. Let the cockroaches have a shot.  Who knows? Maybe an advanced cockroach society is just the thing to let Madame Gaia let out that huge fart she's been holding back since the dawn of creation.

Humanity is a miserable experiment gone awry.  Whoever put these chemicals to create us was a fucking idiot.  And a boring one too.  The same things happen in a more pathetic, generic state until everything is the bad ripoff to the next.  From David Bowie to Lady GaGa, to The A-Team to its movie spinoff.

In DC Comics there's a place called the Bizarro universe where everything is upside down, little did those writers know all they were doing was describing post millennium Americana.

Curses!  Why must I sit at this cubicle!  Don't they understand my genius!  I'll show them all!  I'll show the world.! Bit by Bit I collect parts for my laser, and when it is completed, the world will bow to my mighty grasp!